2.4 Hugging Face Spaces#

In this lesson, we learn more about Hugging Face Spaces, when to use them, and how to make them.

What are Hugging Face Spaces#

Hugging Face Spaces lets you host your machine learning demos directly on Hugging Face, making it easy to share your ML portfolio and showcase your projects. This is useful both for data scientists that want to show what they are able to do, and for companies for similar reasons.

For example, have a look at the spaces built by Microsoft, Meta AI, Salesforce, Stability AI, and EleutherAI.

How to create Hugging Face Spaces#

Creating a Hugging Face Space is very easy, read this guide to find out.

Currently, it’s possible to host ML demos built with Gradio, Streamlit, or directly with HTML and JavaScript. Gradio and Streamlit are Python libraries specifically written to provide an easy way for data scientists to build graphical data and machine learning applications.


What are the libraries that can be used to publish apps with Hugging Face Spaces?

  1. Streamlit and Gradio.

  2. Bokeh and Plotly.

  3. Matplotlib and Seaborn.

Questions and Feedbacks#

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